You can only use one of these a Turn, and that makes a lot of sense in this case, as being able to potentially shut down 3 different things, even for a Turn, would be very powerful. If successful, you negate its Effect(s), as well as those on the Field, and activate of the same name of the card you chose, until the End of the Turn. You declare a card name and remove that card from play from your Deck. Here, you a Quickplay that you have to have some knowledge as to what’s going on, a great mirror-match card at the very least. Nobleman of Crossout lets you blindly remove a face-down Monster.

This card is fun, an intelligent Nobleman of Crossout. At worst, you draw said hand trap to use against the opponent if it would actually come up.Īrt: 4/5 It’s just nice to see the knight from Nobleman of Crossout one more time, especially on a modern meta-relevant card.

It’s a great card you should have ready if your Deck falls apart to hand traps, just make sure you throw in a copy of the hand trap you want to stop. Hard once per turn is 100% warranted here. There’s a lot of cards this can stop right in their tracks to either let you make your plays or stop the opponent from making theirs. This card can also be good in a mirror match to stop an opponent’s main playmaker after you made your plays. Only thing is of course you can’t respond with this to any Counter Trap, but falling into those isn’t as common as it once was (but it does still happen of course). It’s another Called by the Grave basically, only this can actually stop Spells and Traps as well. Basically, you get to stop any hand trap just as long as you throw the card into your Deck. We end the week not with a Dark Magician or Blue-Eyes card, but an old and familiar friend from the days where Nobleman of Crossout was a staple, as we now see him in Crossout Designator.Ĭrossout Designator is a Quick-Play Spell that lets you declare a card name and banish the declared card from your Main Deck to negate the effects of that monster alongside the activated effects and effects on the field of a card with the same name for the rest of the turn. I feel you could get more out of this in a mirror match, stopping an opponent’s monster by banishing a copy of your own, but to stop a hand trap, nah. You have to be sure countering whatever you are countering will be worth the cost.

A good fill-in for Called By The Grave, if you can afford the cost, yes, but it isn’t game-changing. The hype may have flown over my head as to why this card is so amazing. I can see it being a blow-up play, stopping your opponent from turning the tide a la Yugi vs Atem with the whole Monster Reborn Gold Sarcophagus thing, but I don’t want to play this just to have to banish my Effect Veiler or Ash Blossom or whatever just to stop you from playing that card. You need to play Designator, then banish a copy of the card you are negating…you’re taking a -2 to counter your opponent and end with a -1 and one less copy of that card for you to use against your opponent.

There are many staples we all tend to run that we could pair with Crossout Designator: Ash Blossom and Effect Veiler come to mind, but this just screams mirror match or Side Deck to me. This card is a solid Side Deck choice, unless you KNOW you are running something any opponent you may run into has as well. Quick-Play substitute for the Quick-Play Called By the Grave. The evolution of Nobleman continues in Crossout Designator. Crossout Designator is one of the more hyped cards in recent memory, and wraps up the week.